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AHK Sri Lanka Initiates Strategic Talks with Opposition Leader Honourable Sajith Premadasa for Economic Collaboration

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In a significant step towards fostering stronger economic ties between Germany and Sri Lanka, the Chief Delegate of the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Sri Lanka (AHK Sri Lanka), Ms. Marie Antonia von Schönburg, engaged in a pivotal discussion with the Opposition Leader of Sri Lanka, Honourable Sajith Premadasa, on the 25th of October, 2023. The meeting, held at the Opposition Leader's Office in Colombo, focused on key aspects aimed at enhancing collaboration and trade relations.

AHK Sri Lanka Initiates Strategic Talks with Opposition Leader Honourable Sajith Premadasa for Economic Collaboration

The discussions focused on reducing barriers for Foreign Direct Investments (FDIs). The shared objective was to entice more international companies to invest in the country, which will eventually lead to increased economic growth and development, as well as job opportunities, overcoming issues associated with skilled migration and ensuring the long-term development of a skilled workforce. 


The Chief Delegate of AHK Sri Lanka, Ms. Marie Antonia von Schönburg, stated, "We are thrilled about the productive dialogue with Honourable Sajith Premadasa, marking a vital moment in our commitment to strengthen economic ties between Germany and Sri Lanka. Our focus on attracting German FDI to Sri Lanka and on simplifying trade processes underscores our dedication to making cross-border business operations more accessible and efficient. We believe that a collaborative effort between all parties is poised to be instrumental in advancing economic initiatives and creating an environment conducive to sustainable business growth.”  


A notable highlight of the meeting was the emphasis on supporting Sri Lankan Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). AHK Sri Lanka highlighted its initiatives, including facilitating SMEs' entry into European markets through well-organised delegations to German trade fairs. This approach provides an exclusive platform for accessing international business opportunities. 


Speaking during the meeting, Opposition Leader Honourable Sajith Premadasa, emphasized the positive perspective of the opposition, highlighting the significance they place on the relationships with Germany and the investments made in Sri Lanka. He expressed, "We extend our support and encouragement to German businesses to establish themselves in Sri Lanka, contributing not only to their success but also to the revitalisation of our nation." 


He further conveyed his eagerness to foster a dialogue, promoting continued collaboration and ensuring a favourable environment for German businesses. 


AHK Sri Lanka is part of the German Chamber Network supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). With 150 locations in 93 countries around the world, the members of the German Chamber Network (AHKs) offer their experience, connections, and services to German and companies of the respective partner countries. AHKs are located in all countries of particular importance to German companies and are closely connected to the Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHKs) in Germany. 

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